Mysterious March Break

Put on your detective hat, grab a magnifying glass, and get ready to track down clues and solve some mysteries! Download a program calendar to view a full list of programs, or pick up a copy at any branch.

Plus, starting March 7, kids can enter the March Break Reading Contest for a chance to win an eReader! Download a ballot, or pick one up at any branch.

An illustrated street scene with animals as detectives.

Friday, March 7
Friday Morning Movie & Craft: The Tiger’s Apprentice
10 a.m.–12 noon | Children & Families | Main Branch | Drop-in

Saturday, March 8
March Break Kickoff: Clue Hunters
1–2:30 p.m. | Childrens | Main Branch | Drop-in

Monday, March 10
L’heure du Conte: March Break French Special
10:30 a.m.–12 noon | Children & Families | Audley Branch | Drop-in

Science Secrets: Make Electricity from Lemons
10:30–11:30 a.m. | Ages 10–14 | Main Branch | Registration required

Wednesday, March 12
RILI Budding Scientists’ Lab: Hair Under a Microscope
1–2 p.m. | Tweens & Teens | Audley Branch | Registration required

Friday, March 14
Library Escape Room: Super Sleuths
10–11:30 a.m. | Childrens | Audley Branch | Drop-in

Junior Einsteins Science Club
2:30–3:30 p.m. | Childrens | Main | Drop-in

March Break in the Makerspace!

March 7–14
Drop-in between 9–5 Monday to Friday, and 9–5 Saturday to Sunday.
Ever wonder how detectives gather fingerprints? Come to the Makerspace this March Break to learn how, then take home your own fingerprint art!