Saturdays, February 22 or March 22, 10:30 a.m.-12 noon
Kids & Families

Intended for ages 0–4.
Hosted at Audley Branch.

Drop by for a Storytime and to get your next reading log!

From birth to four years is the best time to nurture a love of reading in your child. Sign up at any branch, collect your reading log, take it home, and just read. Once your log is full, however long that takes you, come back to the Library for the next one and keep going until you reach 1000.

We can’t wait to watch your child grow and learn through reading, monthly programs, and regular visits to the Library. Along the way, there will be literacy tips, reading recommendations, and prizes.

And don’t worry if you read the same book 87 times, or if you read books that don’t come from the Library or aren’t in English. It’s all reading and it all counts!

Audley Branch